Tips To Guide On When Renting Out Your Property To A Network Provider.
Delivering of the communication services has developed greatly over a period of time. The area for discussion is linkage systems and making sure that their customers are connected without any hitches. The network providers fix the cell towers. Features used to ease and allow network connectivity in a certain area serving a population of people is what termed as a cell tower. Installation of these devices is used in improvement of the communication sector. To put up these important devices,there must be a need for a land. As the landowner here are some of the needs to review on before leasing or selling your land to a certain network company.
The risks associated with the cell towers should be put into consideration. The risks can include any kind of trespasses that can be made to the neighbor’s land and other property. The company responsible for installing the cell towers may tamper with the neighboring locality in a certain way. Both the company and the individual accommodating these cell towers should be conscious of the things comprising them. The remains of these devices is a threat the surrounding. With the growth rate in a country the landowner can consider the market value of the property to be leased out.
The duration that the company will be in possession of your land too. Some of these cell sites are mostly rented out for two decades. This service provider should seek more information about the owner of the property on the areas for both restriction and non-restriction. The duration taken should be associated with the charges suggested and discussed by both parties. The company should come clear on whether they will be paying the money per year or the payment will be made altogether. A lawyer should be associated with this kind of dealings before an comprehensive agreement between the two parties.
The network enhancing devices can be put up on the ridge of the houses. The need to extend the houses or the erections can be a problem to the owner of the property. The landowner never wants to tamper with the cell towers or the communication satellites. This prevents the landowner from developing further. Any alarms you wish to raise regarding the property should be done in advance. The tax policy is a key factor too.
The presence of the cell towers can be a security risk to the person leasing out the land. The people in the surrounding can be interested in knowing the features of the cell tower. The way in which the damages will be paid in should be reviewed on. The mode and duration for compensation should be discussed too. Leasing out property in this form of services is a crucial thing to handle so approach it prudently.